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Mrs. Tanya Dutta M/o Master Aryaman Dutta

Aru has shown a tremendous improvement ever since he joined Saksham in 2008. From being an ever aggressive kid who would shout and howl he has come a long way.His communication has improved and he can comprehend most of the things conveyed to him. He is quite independent now ,and does not rely on me for his daily activities like bathing /brushing /changing etc.

He is very fond of all his teachers and everyone at Saksham has understood him well. Thanks to the SI therapy his sensory issues were taken care of and regular follow ups on education have helped him learn to write and read. Petty things like Haircutting and nail cutting were a huge task earlier but now Aru is used to it and is comfortable with it.

I am very thankful and forever indebted to the entire Saksham team for helping me deal with Aryaman's issues and coping with it also. I must mention here that each one at Saksham at any given time of the day were always helpful in providing support to us in times of need.

Aryaman has a long way to go before we say "we lived happily ever after" because autism is a very difficult situation to deal and cope with especially for the family ,but I must add that I am very satisfied and happy with the way Aru progressed and is still showing improvement.

Kudos to Sakhsham that lived up to its name, I wish the very best to everyone at Saksham.



Mr Shivendra Kumar F/O Master Abhimanyu

My 4 year old son was diagnosed to be autistic by the doctors. He was advised to take Sensory Integration Therapy and special education classes. One of my friend advised me to consult SAKSHAM. I approached this Institute 1 year ago.

Within this span of time, my child has developed better eye contact. He has started attending to tasks, follows simple commands, and also started writing pre writing patterns & simple alphabets on his own.. He has started identifying certain objects too. Thanks to the team of SAKSHAM with whose support and efforts

I have been able to see these changes. It has lit a ray of hope that my son would lead an independent life one day.

Mrs. Dipti M/O Master Tanishq Jhanjhotra

I Dipti Mother of Tanshiq Has a God gift. We got Tanishq a physically and mentally Challenged Kid. As living hood we both (husband & wife) are working in Private firms and the working hours are long. But our only Concern was “TANISHQ” should we keep him and who will take care of him as we do. And finally we got a shelter for him through some one (SAKSHAM REHABILITATION & RESEARCH CENTRE).

We had visited the centre and seen ourselves of their activities and how they take care of the kids, we were satisfied and found this is the right place for our child. The Staff and management of the Saksham are very helpful My Son Master Tanishq Jhanjhotra joined this school in the year 2007 All the teachers are Very Co-operative. They make my son do Exercise from time to time.

They also give meals to my son from time to time. Even if he is not well; they give medications on time as per our prescription given. Over all we do not have any problem.

May God Bless all the Teachers who are putting their efforts for our special Kids.


Mr. S.K Sharma F/O Miss. Kopal Sharma

My daughter Ms Kopal Sharma was admitted to Saksham Centre, Sec-17 Rohini around eight month back. At the time of admission she was hyper active & use to hit other persons suddenly.

This was a major problem for my family. She was over-weight & used to eat beyond diet. Now after eight months, there is too much improvement in her behavior. This has become possible only with the hard work done by Saksham staff. With daily exercise & moving on TMT machine, her weight is reduced & become stable.

Her diet is also under control. My family is fully satisfied with school staff & their behavior.

S KSharma Father

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